UtilityTrack Support

Signing in for the first time

Welcome to the UtilityTrack platform!

To help you with setting up your account we've developed this short guide. 


  1. A team member will send you an invitation which will be delivered by Microsoft (our Identity provider), see below:
  2.  Select 'Accept invitation' and you will be taken to a login screen, you simply use your work email credentials that was invited to sign in, your password is managed by your own provider and not UtilityTrack.

  3. Once you're signed in you'll be asked to set up Multifactor Authentication to further secure your account on this screen, you can use Microsoft Authenticator but if you choose to use SMS instead select the 'I want to set up a different method' button and select 'phone'

    Enter the phone number you wish for the code to be sent to

    A code will be sent to your device which will be entered on the next screen, then congratulations you are now able to access the dashboard!

    If you have any further issues please open a ticket and our team will be able to assist you with logging in and gaining access to the platform.

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